What Bobby cares

90% of companies say they are engaged in some form of digitization, only 16% say they are taking a bold stance.
The window of opportunity to put the right digital strategy in place is still open,
but not for long…
Customer experience is key

Marrying the customer and employee experience is instrumental in firms’ preparedness for digital disruption

  • Disrupting

    90% of respondents agree or strongly agree that digital technologies are disrupting the industry to a great or moderate extent

  • Customer experience

    93% of those with a digital strategy agree or strongly agree that the objective of their digital strategy is to enhance customer experience and engagement

  • digital disruption

    Only 46% agree or strongly agree that they are adequately preparing for digital disruption


What Bobby does


How Bobby works

The Time Dimension: Across Digital Transformation Development Stages

Inspire new ideas
discover opportunities
inform strategy


Understand user goals and task
improve/refine the design
reduce execution risk


Measure or compare
against self or competition
feedback into strategy

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